Get ready for a rollercoaster ride through the vibrant world of pop culture with "This Week In Metropolis"! Launched in 2019 by the dynamic duo, James and Matt, straight from the heart of Essex, this podcast is your golden ticket to the latest and greatest in movies, gaming, TV shows, and cutting-edge technology.

Imagine sitting down with your best mates, sharing a laugh, and passionately debating the newest blockbuster or gaming trend. That's the vibe James and Matt bring to each episode. With their light-hearted banter and keen insights, they dive into the heart of pop culture, making you feel like you're right there with them, part of the conversation.

Whether you're a movie buff, a gaming guru, a TV series enthusiast, or a tech geek, "This Week In Metropolis" has something for everyone. Tune in and be a part of this exciting journey through the ever-evolving landscape of pop culture. It's more than just a podcast; it's an experience!

Whether you have an opinion you want to share, want to be a guest or just want to say hi, reach out via our social sites or email us via the links below:
